` SUNY RF - Benefits


When you enroll in the Optional Retirement Plan, if you do not complete a separate enrollment form, your beneficiary will default to your estate.  You should designate a beneficiary of your choice by visiting www.tiaa.org/rfsuny (select "Access My Account", log in, and select "My Profile"), or by calling 800-842-2252. 

Unmarried Determination

When you withdraw your funds, if you are married and your spouse has not waived his or her beneficiary rights, your spouse must consent to the withdrawal.  Your spouse's signature must be witnessed by a notary or authorized RF campus representative. If you are unmarried, you can complete the “Unmarried Determination” section of the withdrawal form by indicating that you are unmarried. In that case, no notary or RF campus representative signature is required.

Note: Your spouse can waive his or her rights as beneficiary once you have reached age 35, or at any age after your employment ends.