` SUNY RF - Benefits

Online Account Management

You can make changes to your Basic and Optional Retirement plans online at www.tiaa.org/rfsuny.  First-time users will need to set up an online account by clicking "Register for Access" and following the instructions.

On the website, you can change your default investment in the Basic or Optional Retirement Plan  even before you start your contributions through payroll deductions or you start receiving RF contributions.  You can also select a beneficiary and change your investment options under the Basic or Optional Retirement Plan at any time without having to complete a form. 

Limits on Transferring Funds

  • You may transfer most annuity and mutual fund accumulations in amounts of at least $1,000 to any other TIAA account at any time.
  • Accumulations in the TIAA Real Estate Account may be transferred once a month.
  • Funds in the TIAA Traditional Annuity may be transferred to the TIAA Real Estate Account and to CREF accounts in annual installments over a 10-year period using the Transfer Payout Annuity (TPA) option.
    • The minimum transfer amount is $10,000 (or the entire accumulation if less than $10,000)

Contact TIAA for information and to process your request. 

Changing your name, address, or beneficiary 

For name and address changes, inform your RF campus Benefits Office of your new name and/or address, then contact TIAA to change this information directly with them as well.  Addresses can be changed online by visiting www.tiaa.org/rfsuny. To change your name, you must call TIAA directly at 1-800-842-2252 or use the TIAA Notice of Change of Name Form

You can change your beneficiary anytime online by visiting www.tiaa.org/rfsuny.