` SUNY RF - Benefits


The RF retirement plans are designed to provide you with income during your retirement. In the Basic Retirement Plan, the RF contributes an amount equal to a percentage of your annual earnings. You do not contribute to this plan. The Optional Retirement Plan assists you in saving additional funds for your retirement years by allowing you to contribute a portion of your pay to the plan on a pretax or post-tax basis. The Phased Retirement Program permits eligible RF employees who obtain proper approval to maintain their employee benefits and begin withdrawing funds from their retirement accounts when changing from full-time to part-time employment prior to full retirement. The Deferred Compensation plan allows employees with certain job titles and earnings to supplement their retirement savings by deferring a portion of their compensation.

You can make changes to your Basic and Optional Retirement plans online at www.tiaa.org/rfsuny. First-time users will need to set up an online account by clicking "Register For Access."

For details on each type of plan including eligibility, how to enroll, required waiting periods, and how to allocate contributions, click on the appropriate link below:

For additional information about retiring from the RF, including helpful links to AARP, Medicare, and Social Security, visit the Retirement life event page.