Personify Health and the RF have teamed up to provide you with our enterprise-wide wellness program! The program is open to all benefits-eligible RF regular employees, regardless of health coverage. Employees who participate can earn up to $100 each calendar quarter! Employees also have access to wellness apps through Personify Health+ and wellness coaches. More information can be found HERE.
Sign up at join.personifyhealth.com/rfsuny!
[Already have an account? Check in at www.personifyhealth.com ]
Note: Rewards are taxable income and will be reported in your paycheck as your rewards are earned.
My Medical Ally provides comprehensive, current, objective, and personalized information on over 100 diagnoses and medical topics. Information that can help you and your family, with your doctor, make some of the most important decisions of your life. And if you need a second opinion, My Medical Ally can also identify top physician experts for any diagnosis anywhere in the U.S. As a Research Foundation employee, you are eligible to sign up for access to My Medical Ally.
View detailed information and instructions for accessing My Medical Ally.