If you wish to participate in the Health Care Plan, you must enroll when your RF employment begins or when you become eligible. Enrollment in the plan is not automatic.
Once you enroll, your enrollment will remain in effect until you revoke it during an Open Enrollment period or under the circumstances described in The Research Foundation of State University of New York Benefits Plan.
To enroll in the Health Care plan take the following steps:
During the first two pay periods after your enrollment takes effect, double deductions will be taken for premium contributions, in order to cover the 28-day extension of benefits which is provided when your employment terminates or drops below eligibility requirements.
Late enrollment
If you delay enrollment more than 60 days after you become eligible, you must wait an additional five pay periods, in active employment, to be covered (unless you have a special enrollment right). Your coverage will start on the first day of the fifth pay period following the day your local campus Benefits Office receives your completed enrollment .
Making changes during the year
For more information about enrolling in or making changes to your benefits during the year, see the Changing Your Coverage page.