` SUNY RF - Benefits

Health Insurance - About the HMOs

You may enroll in a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) if one is offered by the RF in your geographical area.  In this type of plan, you receive health care from physicians or other providers who are part of the HMO, unless you are referred by the HMO to a physician or provider who is not part of the HMO.  Typically you are charged a copayment for office visits and for filling prescriptions.

If you need care while outside your HMO's service area, only emergency and limited care is available to you, although some HMOs have reciprocal agreements with HMOs outside their service area.

Before enrolling in an HMO, thoroughly review the coverage provisions of the plan.  Although HMOs provide hospitalization coverage and a comprehensive plan of medical and surgical care, some provisions differ from those established for the RF PPO.  If you are interested in HMO coverage, your campus Benefits Office can give you information about HMOs in your area. 

Contact your local HMO for answers to specific questions about coverage. 

For additional information regarding HMOs and related processes, please refer to the Health Care section of the Benefits Handbook or Postdoctoral Benefits Handbook.